Privacy Policy
Confidentiality and security are essential values for us and, consequently, we are committed to guaranteeing your privacy at all times and not collecting unnecessary information. Below, we provide you with all the necessary information about our privacy policy in relation to the personal data we collect through this website, explaining:
Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
For what purposes do we collect the data we request?
What is the legitimacy for its treatment?
How long do we keep them?
To which recipients is your data communicated?
What are your rights?
Carlos Jimenez Mendez
NIF 46632850m
C/canyelles 22
08734 Olerdola (Barcelona)
Purposes, legitimacy and conservation of the processing of data sent through the various forms on this website
Contact forms
Purpose: To provide you with a means to contact us and respond to your requests for information.
Legitimation: The user's consent when requesting information from us through one of the contact forms and by checking the box to accept this policy.
Conservation: Until you request their deletion.
Product Purchase Forms
Purpose: To register you as a customer, manage your orders, allow you access to content and download training material.
Legitimation: Your consent when registering through the registration and/or purchase form and accepting this policy.
Conservation: Until you request their deletion.
Newsletter subscription
Purpose: To notify you about new products published in the store.
Legitimation: Your consent when subscribing through the forms provided for this purpose, expressly accepting said submissions.
Conservation: Until you request their deletion.
Rights: Each of these communications contains a link that allows you to easily unsubscribe from these communications, thereby withdrawing the consent given. You also have other rights, detailed below in the section Rights in relation to your personal data.
Obligation to provide us with your personal data and consequences of not doing so
The provision of personal data requires a minimum age of 13 years or, where applicable, sufficient legal capacity to enter into a contract.
The personal data requested is necessary to manage your requests and/or provide you with access to the products purchased. Therefore, if you do not provide them to us, we will not be able to serve you correctly or provide you with the product you have requested.
Recipients of your data
The personal data you provide us will not be transferred to third parties unless legally required or ordered by a court. These data will be stored on Factoria Digital's servers, located in the European Union (Factoria Digital's privacy policy).
Rights in relation to your personal data
Any person may withdraw their consent at any time, once it has been given for the processing of their data. In no case does the withdrawal of this consent condition the execution of the subscription contract or the relationships generated previously.
Likewise, you can exercise the following rights:
Request access to your personal data or its rectification when it is inaccurate.
Request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
Request the limitation of your treatment in certain circumstances.
Request opposition to the processing of your data for reasons related to your particular situation.
Request data portability in the cases provided for in the regulations.
Other rights recognized in applicable regulations.
You can exercise these rights by sending an email to or by writing to the address indicated in the first section of this privacy policy.
If you have any disagreements with us regarding the processing of your data, you may file a complaint with the Control Authority (AGPD).
Security of your personal data
In order to safeguard the personal data provided, we have adopted all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the data against alteration, loss, and unauthorized processing or access.
Updating your data
It is important that you inform us whenever there has been any change in your personal data so that we can keep it up to date. Otherwise, we cannot be held responsible for its accuracy.
We are not responsible for the privacy policy regarding personal data that you may provide to third parties through the links available on this website.