Change background color on scroll with Elementor

					body { transition: background-color 1s ease; } .color-blue { background-color: #2F8FED; } .color-green { background-color: #4DCF42; } .color-yellow { background-color: #FAEB33; } .color-orange { background-color: #F19031; } .color-red { background-color: #F2293A; }
    $(window).scroll(function() {

  // selectors
  var $window = $(window),
      $body = $('body'),
      $panel = $('.panel');

  // Change 33% earlier than scroll position so colour is there when you arrive.
  var scroll = $window.scrollTop() + ($window.height() / 3);

  $panel.each(function () {
    var $this = $(this);

    // if position is within range of this panel.
    // So position of (position of top of div <= scroll position) && (position of bottom of div > scroll position).
    // Remember we set the scroll to 33% earlier in scroll var.
    if ($this.position().top <= scroll && $this.position().top + $this.height() > scroll) {

      // Remove all classes on body with color-
      $body.removeClass(function (index, css) {
        return (css.match (/(^|\s)color-\S+/g) || []).join(' ');

      // Add class of currently active div
      $body.addClass('color-' + $(this).data('color'));


If you need any plugin for this tutorial you can find it in the plugins page.

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